Hi, I’m New

 We are always happy and excited to welcome new members with open hearts!

Please contact the church office at (519) 941-0381 or email us at westminster@westminsterorangeville.ca

What to Expect


We are an LGBTQ+ affirming church. This means that we are proudly open and honest in declaring full inclusion of all people.

Sunday Mornings

Our services take place at 10:30a.m. We are excited to welcome you in person, but the services are also streamed on Youtube. Our church goes beyond Sundays, as we believe in being a church all days of the week.

What We Do

We host events, volunteer, build community, deepen spirituality and fight for justice.

If you are interested in getting involved please see our Adult, Pastoral Care, Social Justice, and Upcoming Events pages.

Your First Sunday

  • Welcome

    As you arrive at the church you will be greeted by an usher who will give you directions on where to be seated. If interested, leave your name and number with the greeters who will pass this along to the front office, the Minister, or the Membership and Pastoral Care Committee.

  • Service

    Next, the service will begin while the building fills with beautiful music. Relax and enjoy the words of people in our community as well as the message from our Minister. Each week gives us space to graciously reflect on our lives and the world around us.

  • Coffee Time

    Once we are able to again, everyone is welcome downstairs in our auditorium for coffee, treats, and fellowship. This is a good way to ask questions and be introduced to other members of the church. Our community is supportive and welcoming.

Contact us for more information on new members.